Thursday, December 2, 2010

I'm tired of it all.

I'm tired. Physically, emotionally. I'm ready for this pregnancy to be over with. I'm so desperate for Chloe to get over her fear of walking and get back to walking again since the Spica cast has been removed, and dear God, please let her walk before the new baby gets here.

I'm at my breaking point. I have my sister not speaking to me because I removed her listing as my sister on FB and refuses to talk to me unless I apologize for that, even when I already tried to explain why that happened. And for me it has NOTHING to do with stupid facebook, it has everything to do with every time we EVER get any damn fight anymore over ANYTHING, she immediately jumps to the "I'm done with you. I'm cutting you out of my life" bit to immediately make me apologize for whatever slight she feels I've done. I'm tired of it. I don't do that. I don't threaten to cut people off the minute I'm mad at them. My niece is almost 10 days old and I haven't even met her yet, and at this rate, probably never will and it breaks my heart.

I'm in so much physical pain right now. I can barely walk, my back hurts sooo bad from all the preterm labor, the new medicine I've been given to try and stop the labor is NOT working. I'm terrified of having a premature baby. I feel so isolated and alone right now. I'm at my total breaking point with the stress. I'm so scared of trying to be a mom to a new baby and a toddler. Especially if Chloe still hasn't gotten over her fear of walking. Did I make the wrong choice? Should I have waited longer before trying to get pregnant? Can I even handle this at all? The way I've been feeling lately, I'm beginning to think I'm not going to be able to handle it.

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